A laser hair reduction treatment requires multiple seating sessions and while I have only gone through three sessions. I want to share my full body laser hair removal experience with 5 facts.
We can discuss if it is progressing or not, its side effects that I’ve noticed. It will help you and me to decide whether we should continue the remaining 4 to 5 sessions or not to complete the course.
Laser hair treatment is basically using laser which has flashes of heat to target your hair follicles. This laser and heat weakens the hair pores so that they can not lead faster hair growth in the future.
The contrast between your skin color and your hair color is very important. That is the only way a laser is going to be able to identify your hair follicle.
So if you are someone who has a very dark complexion skin and on top of that you have hair which is blended into your skin color and it is not very visible then the laser hair treatment will not be as effective for you. Laser can do wonder to someone who has light or fair skin with dark hair.
My Full Body Laser Hair Removal Experience
I’m not entirely fair but I’m also not very dark. The hair growth that I have on my arms is very dark and so the contrast between my skin and my hair color was enough for this treatment to be effective. So far just after three sessions I have noticed a lot of reduction in the growth. I still have three to four more sessions to go in the future.
How Many Sessions For Full Body Laser Hair Removal
Now you would be wondering how many sessions does this whole treatment exactly require. So usually it takes six to eight sessions of laser hair treatment for the whole body to be completely treated. I have personally gone for the full body hair reduction treatment because my outdoor occupation requires me to be hair free all the time.
Full body laser hair removal package
Now this is a decision that you will be taking as an individual which body parts do you really need to be hair free do you need to go for a full body treatment or do you just need to go for body parts which are quite inconvenient to be shaving or waxing on a regular basis.
Now usually professionals will recommend taking six to eight sessions. Yes you have to buy the package as a whole but out of those eight sessions two sessions are just for maintenance purposes.
Most of the clinics offer that a package that comes with 3 to 5 yrs validity. You can use them later on next year or whenever you feel like going for another session to remove some more hair. But usually six sessions are enough to treat that body part.
How expensive is full body laser hair removal
The whole treatment cost is a very subjective because it depends on which clinic are you going to. Are you going to one of those commercial clinics? Such as Keya, Oliver and a lot of other chains of clinics that do specialize in this treatment. Or are you going to an individual professional to get it done.
Now the full body laser hair reduction treatment that I am undergoing is quite expensive. It costs 2000 USD for the entire package of 8 sessions.
You can choose to pay for each session individually also for full body. It will be 300 USD to 350 USD. But that will end up being more expensive for you. I paid them $ 500 USD just for two sessions with discounts to see if it works on me. You can also do the same if you want.
5 Facts on Full Body Laser Hair Removal
- Full body laser hair removal is more effective in clinic than at-home.
- You will not find any cheap laser hair removal services to remove hair from whole body.
- Full body hair removal is not a one time job, it comes with a package of 6 – 8 sessions.
- Out of all 8 sessions, first 2 are solely for the maintenance purposes.
- I recommend to use at-home IPL laser hair removal devices if you rarely go outside and have budget issue.

My own experience with the treatment has been very positive so far. Form the third session onward I will pay the whole remaining amount. This is the cost for full body laser hair reduction. However you can go for individual body parts if you don’t need a full body laser hair reduction. The cost will be much lesser and for individual body parts it may cost you anywhere between 50 USD to 120 USD.